The name of the first author
Postal address
Phone: + ; Fax: + < fax number > E-mail:
The name of the second author
Postal address
Phone: + ; Fax: + < fax number > E-mail:

The abstract must be prepared in A4 format (297x210mm). The manuscript must be in a format that allows changes, preferably in Microsoft Word. Times New Roman font should be used for the entire document.

Name of final abstract file must be the same as the name of the abstract.

Title of the paper should be centered and written in bold letters, 12 pt size. It is followed by a blank space of 12pt before the name (s) of author (s). Name (s) has (have) to be centered, written with 12pt font size, normal letters and in the following order: name (initials) and surname. Affiliations should be centered, written in 11pt size and must include at least the name of the institution, city and country.

Before the main part of the abstract must be vertical blank space size 24pt. The text must be single-spaced and justified on both sides, 12pt size, normal letters, with a space between paragraphs of 12pt. There should be no titles or headings in the abstract. Before submitting paper, check grammar and spelling. The abstract may not include figures, tables, equations or comments. Abbreviations and acronyms should be clearly defined.

Abstract must have 200-300 words and should briefly outline the purpose and aim of the research, methodology, main results obtained from the research, the implications for society / economy as a whole, as well as how paper is associated with a given theme of the conference. Abstract must be written in English and Serbian language.

After the main part of the text the keywords are listed, with an area of ​​ 24 pt between them. Must specify at least one and up to five keywords. Keywords are written in font size of 12 pt, italic form and separated by commas. At the end of the abstract state codes for JEL classification with font size of 12 pt.

All abstracts must be submitted to sec@blc.edu.ba.